The FogProtect project organised a final workshop to present its results.
The FogProtect project participated on the Webinar on the 10th of October.
The FogProtect project participated in the AIOTI Signature Event 2022.
The FogProtect project was present at the Euromicro DSD/SEAA 2022.
The FogProtect project participated in ARES conference in Vienna.
On June 28th FogProtect was presented at Ubiwhere Summer Session – Welcoming Summer with New Tendencies in Telco.
On the 16th of May, the project was dicussed at a Masters’ Class at University of Minho.
FogProtect attended the AIOTI WG Standardisation Webinar on Promotion of Gaps and Computing Continuum Reports.
FogProtect attended the Horizon Europe Information and Brokerage Session on February 2nd.
FogProtect was at Smart City Expo World Congress 2021 where it presented its use case for Smart Cities during a live panel discussion under the theme “Unleashing Digital Connectivity”.